Suspicious Minds video is available as part of full show video purchase.
David Bowie contains Simpson's Phish language.
flller from 12/1/95 Soundcheck (Dog Log) is included with purchase of 11/14/95 Orlando CD's.
Video Recorded by Eric Larson with a single camera at the front-of-house mix position. Audio Recorded by Paul Languedoc. Mastered by Fred Kevorkian at Kevorkian Mastering, NYC, September, 2006. Video Post-Production by Jeff Lawson/Egan Media Productions. Additional Post-Production by Kevin Shapiro, assisted by Jennifer Brown, Justin Letellier and Taylor Mikell.
Incredible music. At one point, you can hear the good people of Hershey weeping in the streets, as they realize the atomic-level energy from the stage has melted that year’s chocolate crop.
Unfortunate incident to be sure, as many in the town went without Christmas that year, but glad the music lives on in this recording.
My first show, amazing time. And the reason I keep going back.
Thank You Phish!
Skunk 6
Yea I know your prob just kidding and being sarcastic or whatever but it just rubs me the wrong way when people talk about the original members of the deads side projects as cover bands...especially with bobby the vast majority of songs he plays are the ones HE wrote and even when they aren't he usually has co-writing credits for them. Same with phil bd the Mickey/billy. But especially with ratdog and bobby seeing as how weir sang half the songs and in the later years prob even more like 60% it's just absurd to tell someone that thy are performing covers of material they own and either exclusively wrote or co-wrote. Any surviving member of the dead has a right to do whatever they want to with the material THEY helped create and performed for over three decades. I don't ever hear anyone say JGB was a dead cover band even though they played dead songs. Ratdog, phil and friends, Furthur. The other ones, The Dead, the rhythm devils, hydra, bk trio, bk and friends, 7 walkers and even missing man formation for crying out loud-are all simply iterations of the same band. Think of the dead as a tree and these other projects as branches. It's real simple. But in particular to tell bob weir that he's playing covers of music he wrote and owns the rights to is ridiculous and ignorant. Is TAB or mikes band phish cover bands when they play phish tune too? No! Sorry for that..rant over... Had to get off my chest.
"careful with that"review"Eugene"
No hippies here. We are listening to Rat Dog play Dead Covers and "tightening our headbands for an extra RUSH"
this show blows. especially the dwd. 3.0 us where it's at. get a job you fucking hippies.
"The best Jerry, the best" . was there as well. Listen to this one all the time. Wilson"King of Prussia" , "The King" and "The Mystical Land of Chocolate" all in one serving. Blessed to have been apart of it.
Loved this show remember it like it was yesterday! So much fun seeing Phish in hershey park! Great sets totally energized crowd miss these days! Anyone who downloads will love it. Happy phishing!
this is definitely my favorite show that they released. not a dull moment from beginning to end. highly recommended this for any phan no matter what era your partial to.
brother klaus
I wasn't a fan in 1995, I was hatin' on Phish, listening to King Crimson, Spiritualized and the Orb. Over the years I grew to respect and ultimately love this band almost as much as the Dead, whom I was also hatin' on in 1995. To get to the point, the DWD is pure joy. Sorry I missed it the first time around.
The end peak in DWD has a 8 sec jam that gives me chills every single the show, my shoes nearly flew off..yet to hear a DWD quite like this one...
Fallopian Dude
It's interesting to note that, in addition to there being no intervening song between Mike's and Weekapaug, this Weekapaug Groove is played in the key of F rather than the usual key of D.
True, there's a reason they don't release those years.. This show was at the hight of their peak.. I first saw them in 89 at the capital theater and stopped going around 97-98. The shows lacked the energy and were sloppy.. The good news is, Trey seemes to be clean and back to his old self playing wise.. I can't wait to revisit my youth and see them this summer. Stay off the hard druggs Trey!
Dravidian Dromedary
Zaxon Elie obviously saw Phish for the first time in 99......
i think this show demonstrates Trey's playing really well, especailly the down with disease, which i think is one his best solos i've heard. of course all of his great solos asymptotically approach some unknown value, but this one certainly "gets there", which is all any phish fan really wants anyway
just getting into the videos, the sync is real bad for Wolfmans. Hardly watchable IMO. I downloaded 2 times on my home computer and once at work to make sure it wasn't an issue with the drop.
Hopefully it won't be too prevalent. The few other tracks I looked at look much better...
Zaxon Elié
uhh 08/13/1996, 08/16/1996, 12/04/1996, 03/01/1997, 11/13/1997, 11/22/1997, 12/02/1997, 04/03/1998, 07/17/1998, 07/21/1998, 08/12/1998, 11/15/1998, 11/27/1998, & 09/29/1999 don't just come close... they beat this Mike's in my opinion!!! Great Mike's, though.
It's a travesty that we have 10/21, 10/31, 11/14, this show, AND 12/14 released with no 12/11/1999, 11/02/1998, 11/22/1997, only TWO from fall '97, only ONE from summer '98, only THREE from fall '98, only ONE from summer '99, and ZERO from the last two '99 tours!!!!! Absolutely ridiculous!!!! I LOVE PHISH more than anything, but whoever decides what gets released, this is RIDICULOUS!!!! This is a good show, definitely better than 11/14 or 12/14 to me, but man.... y'all need to prioritize better and cover the band's career better.
Jason E
Simply take a listen to the Mike's > Weekapaug and then you will hear Phish at their best... Don't even try and tell me there's any recent Mike's that comes anywhere close to this gem.
Bottom line: fall tour 1995 was arguably the tightest Phish has played.
you'll be hard pressed to find a better my many travels seeing Phish throughout the years, no show has lived up to the vibe that was in that arena that December night. The place was electric...
The roof must have flown off the arena in the first 20 minutes! God damn that was a hot opener. I wish I could have been in the place to feel the incredible energy that these guys can produce when on. Buried Alive > DWD is SMOKIN! Overall classic phish....thanks!!!
DWD, Liked. This song transcends the song itself or even for that matter the experience. I was not there, but I`ve read other reviews stating "hair-raising" reactions. This song does that for me. This song does not take any musical intellect but simply raw emotional response to sound. There is far too much energy for an intellectually developed composition or exposition and if it had any length it would have collapsed into a black hole. It seems as if Trey was an atom who split and revealed an expression in the most primal fashion, indescribable through words. My instinct and reaction to this song seems to convey itself in the visual sense through color. For some reason the color purple. But to generally describe this song as purple is an injustice. When it unexpectedly surges into a climatic state, purple becomes disintegrated into a billion shades and tones, "hair-raising". What do you think?
Another personal favorite of mine. mmmmmmmmm chocolate.
The DWD and Theme are both magnificant. The Disease is short and very powerful, gorgeous actually - Trey at the top of his game. What a thunderous Disease, and so sharp - reminds me of the Reba from New Years `93 - that youthful energy. The Stash is magnificant as well and among the very best. 12-1-95 is a pure treat, some heavy hitters played exceptionally well.
On this video you can see a lot of the light show. I like it this way very much. Mike`s and Bowie are awesome jams!! Watching them with Kuroda`s Lights adds so much to the Phish live-experience. Please release more of 95-97. You can`t do wrong. Any Auburn Hills show from these years would be worth it. By the way, checked Atlanta 07/23/97 and Austin 07/26/97 shows as well. A Dream! Just check out the Ventura 07/30/97 Stash jam - wow!!! Can`t wait for more stuff on video...
This show was great !! GOOD TIMES !!! Sound quality is almost as good as the blotter I ate that night. BUY THIS !!
i decided to check out the DWD and i agree with everyone.......absolutely amazing! it defines everything that is great about phish. sometimes short and sweet is better than long and drawn out.
everyone is talking about the buried alive>dwd and with good reason, but there is so much more. Mikes>Weekapaug is just sick! The jam between these songs is just not human.
What else could be said about this besides `mmmmm....chocolate..`
(thanks for that, btw, Mike)
Alot more can be said, actually... Buried Alive>DwD..... enough said for the opener..
And the first Halley`s in x number (alot) of shows..
man what a fun day i had........
Just wanted to chime in and say emphatically "i agree" with the people who`ve written about the DwD on this show. It rocks so hard and escalates so fast. I`ve listened to this show many times since downloading and the DwD really gets me going everytime. Also, TFTB is really solid and a nice Mike`s... good show.