All songs copyright Who Is She? Music Inc (BMI) except for:
*Keyed Music Inc (BMI);**Oakfield Avenue Music Ltd (BMI);^EMI Full Keel Music Co (ASCAP) & Music 1 LLC (ASCAP);^^Index Music Inc & Bleu Disque Music LLC (ASCAP).
Yeah dude that second set had a 40 mile hour wind that swept away
Swear to god it was raining UP. Reba and Bowie to close the first set was no joke, but the highlight has to be Rock n’ Roll through The Wedge. Fish was playing Wedge well before anyone else in the band, and it fit so well into Cities. Definitely with the listen!
kungfuman chu
Reba , David Bowie , Rock/Roll , 2001 , Tweezer ... I mean , really ?! Almost 70 mins of greatness just like that !
Hands down, worst weather of any concert I've ever attended. I know die-hard fans who left at intermission. Just unbearable. Good show, though.
I was at this show in a tank top and lax shorts...not the best idea. However from what i was actually able to hear it was the best show ive been to since this past nye, just great energy. They played to the crowd by the rain if that makes sense.
Did the artwork for this show ever get fixed?
joseph ovitsh
amaaazing show crazyess rain downpour show was epic!! Best 2nd set!!! phiiiiiiiiish :)
Musical Yoga
First show was '92, and can say two things. !) Worst weather I've ever experienced at a show during the first set. More mud at Coventry, but as a show was being played, worst ever. Comical when the lights shone on the crowd, looked like the orchestra was standing under a faucet. And 2) The second set from R and R through Wedge was some of the best Phish I've ever seen, the reason I still get off the "couch" and go. Tweezer>Cities specifically was mastery. Love LivePhish, but still nothing like being there
Terrapin Station
Insane weather for the first set - like monsoon rain. In set 1, 46 Days and Reba>Bowie killed it. For those who did not leave at setbreak, it was well worth it. Rock and Roll>2001>Tweezer>Cities was just magical. With Jones Beach's tall stage canopy, Kuroda had his lights set up very high. In 2001, I swear it looked like the mother ship from Close Encounters. Very cool stuff. This may be the first show where Phish sold out of every single Fishman donut towel they had in stock. People were wrapping themselves in them to soak up the rain.
Show was magnificent all the water related songs was perfect for the night. Loved the a song I heard the ocean sing. Is there anyway to download this show my ticket was destroyed with the rain!
Trey walks onstage second set and only mutters, "We're practicing safe music up here". hahahah
absolutely amazing show, couldn't be more impressed with the bands ability to groove this summer. Last show i saw was the SPAC run and was convinced saturday was my favorite night of the summer until tonight. Second set was a roller coaster ride of jams, loved how fishman played the drum part to wedge throughout cities and then the band followed his lead into the wedge after a solid jam. Worked out very naturally i thought (being as i am a drummer). If there were any complaints to be had about tonight, it would be 1) the fucking jones beach workers practically strip searching everybody while the boys opened with chalkdust. I didnt get to my seat until the end of cars trucks buses. 2) I don't think I've gone to a show yet without seeing BDTNL. What is the deal with this song guys? Its not so bad, but literally playing it every other night is getting fucking old quick. Nonetheless I was very pleased with their playing last night, long live Phish!
Happy 30th Anniversary Guys!!!
the band completely tearing the roof off the place second song in??! an ocelot for the ages... wow! the boys are in fine form these days! makes me so happy!
show was freakin nuts with the rain and wind. when the lights hit the crowd, it looked like we were all getting sprayed with a fire hose. Reba in the rain was sweetness. waves from the bay were actually coming over the rail on pages side. all in all a crazy experience.
I say Moobooz for president. I say every freaking person who posts in this forum should read his post below me before they write a word. Nice job.
I enjoy Phish every time I see them. I started seeing them kinda late for my age, I suppose back in '98. I can find something to like and positive to take away from even the crappiest setlist. They're one of my favorite bands, and I pay good, hard earned money to see them when I can, and for that I'm grateful. However, I will be critical when I feel like it. It's my right, just as it's theirs to play what they want, when they want. They know that not EVERYone will like EVERY single song. It's impossible to. You'd have to be completely spun out permanently, or the easiest to please simpleton there is. There's no offense directed at anyone, I was trying to make a point. I'm sure when the four members of Phish go to see bands their favorite bands, they aren't grinning ear to ear like complete retards from the first note to the last...well...maybe Trey, but that's it. I'm kidding. When you go to work, you have good days and bad days, sometimes you do an exceptional job, sometimes it's just a passable job, even on the same day. It's natural and completely normal. This is a board for reviewing shows in one's OWN, rarely humble, opinion. Ever since the first time I read a review here, pretty much when it first became possible to do so one this site, it's been dominated by angry, whiney, people looking for someone or something to tee off on, because someone had a different opinion than them or they didn't wanna hear a particular song that night. It's crazy. I like the show last night. It was good, it was and will be memorable, and I was satisfied. Was everything perfect? No. But who cares. There were enough high points to keep me coming back. And that was after being drenched for like 4 hours straight. I was still satisfied. Life is too short to be a whiney little bitch all the time. Not liking every single thing, every single time is certainly NOT a reflection of what kind of person someone is. But, I do forget this is a jam band, and with jam band fans, it will ALWAYS be a contest concerning even the most ridiculous of so-called tour stats. "Oh, yeah well last night was nothing, man...uh...uh back in like uh...'91 there was like this crazy ass flood before this show, and we were all wearing life jackets and like,the coast guard had to build a flaoting stage for the band to play on, it was incredible, but they played Landlady and it went into something other than Destiny, so I fuckin' hated it."
Thanks boy's it's another great journey.
Same issue here. Feel like LivePhish should make this a free download. Anyone who was at last night's show and didn't think to bring a plastic baggy to keep their ticket in no longer has a ticket. Mine is a barely recognizable ball of lint in the pocket of my now-dry shorts. Hook us up LivePhish!
The band as a whole has been sounding great. My only issue is with the Digitech whammy pedal that Trey keeps fidgeting with. It creates harsh bent notes that sound out of key and are really hard to listen to. Don't get me wrong, when used well it can create a very cool sound (SPAC night 3 set 2) but other times it is very unforgiving and shrill to the ear (Ocelot from JB). I really have high hopes for this summer and so far and the band is crushing.
Ticket Stub!
My ticket got destroyed by the rain! I can't get my MP3's!!!!!
Fishman killing with the Wedge drumbeat on Cities only to play Wedge next. Very nice moment. Also Sloth! Duh
can we get fixed cover art for this show? The cover art is for 7/13. Thanks in advance
Grateful for phish..... Cheers to you my friend. That was well said!!!!
Ha..... I love you brother!!!!
Grateful for Phish
A persons inability to enjoy each and every Phish show is more a reflection of them then the four men pouring their hearts out on stage. Please, for the sake of us all, find something worthy to complain about and gain a bit of perspective. We are blessed to bear witness to one of the greatest rock n' roll bands in history rewrite their history after being left for dead nine years ago. It speaks volumes about their mastery that after 22 years of devoted fan-boy-ness I still walk out of every show satisfied. Not a difficult task, mind you. Many say love is a choice... choose your bliss, I say! For one day this will all end, I hope that day is many years off, but make no mistake it will. Then all we'll have is out memories, and re-dunk-u-less soundboards to revel in :o)
You Phish-spoiled northerners are such cry babies. "Oh this Reba wasn't THAT good" Lol, Phish needs to come down south more, where the crowds get down, and we are all there to party, not to critique.
mossy your a tool. your the one they were talking about trey pissing in your ear and calling it beautiful music
After almost 20 years, this was the closest i ever got to seeing a Phish show underwater. Comfortable? no. Fun? Hell Yeah.
Songs? Playing? I tend to think some on here are a bit overly harsh. The first set was great, Bowie was great, Reba was good, the rest of the set was appropriate for the venue and situation and great. The second set was spectacular. I hope everyone has dried off a bit by now and looking at this in context. Phish is a great band and on their worst night are probably still the best show anywhere around. This was not their worst night, it was a good one, with a crazy rainstorm bringing the fan energy down a bit and them doing what they could to make it better.
You know, all of you people who write such critical reviews of this amazing band who enable you to see this beautiful country that we live and party the whole time , should be ashamed of yourselves!!!! Have some respect and reverence for the special opportunity they afford each and everyone us. Thank you sooo much Phish!!!! I think you sound heavenly!!!!!