oh and I can't forget that Melt...fucking top shelf
Bag that goes 9 min and rips, awesome Slave, Great Reba, and a 30 min Mikes Groove? how is this a forgettable show?
This has to be one of the most underwhelming live phish/archival releases along with the recent 92' Toronto, and the 94' UIC boxset IMHO. Honestly if anyone is familiar with my posting on this site I'm usually the guy being accused of a "phish can do no wrong " kind of attitude. But as I've always told people who trolled me and said that: I will always be honest about what I'm seeing or hearing and if I thought a show was great and you didn't it's not cuz I am afraid to criticize the band...trust me. Don't get me wrong here ok, this show as well as the others I mentioned are all awsum phish. I just feel like all three releases I mentioned seem to have been picked more for what they don't have than for what they do.:..let me elaborate. This show for example is solid throughout. The difficult composed portions of songs are well executed and there are no major flaws anywhere. And I think it's because of this lack of flubs or flaws and also maybe the technical integrity of the board, moniter and DAT, recordings more so than anything amazing about the show that got this one released. And I just wish that wasn't how they would so things. Sadly there are amazing shows we'd all like to hear released that I don't think they ever will because I think they are a little ocd about what they are willing to put out there as a remaster release. The whole band has to ok it, and the sound had to he perfect and there are shows where the band doesn't like a small part of the show and the rest of it could be best ever level but they won't release it because of the small part that wasn't perfect . However just like with the UIC release with all the amazing unreleased 1994 and fall 94' in particular , the UIC shows are just so pedestrian. Same thing here I mean with everything phish had going on in 1995....countless topshow candidates and I don't think anyone would have ever if you asked them for a list of 1995 shows they thought had a chance of being released I don't think anyone would have picked this one. That's all. Sorry not really a review of the music but I bought this in cd form and besides the fact that now that I have livephish plus I wish I had saved my money I just also even without the livephish klaus kinda regret this purchase. I just basically will never really go to this show for any reason with all the other unlistened to material there is there is nothing on this release to keep me coming back over and over. I basically enjoyed it the first time through and in done with it. The whole time listening first time I was thinking same thing too...like wow...they went to the trouble of releasing this instead of all of fall 94' or all of 96'-2000 to be quite honest lol.
My phirst Phish show and I'll never forget it, thank God it was preserved and I'm so happy to finally own the CD!! Julius caved my head in!